
Alumni Gallery


Alumni Impression

Impression with Chulabhorn Graduate Institute :

“CGI is indeed an Excellent Institute with outstanding achievements in research and education. I love being have and be one of CGI- an”, Ms. Zuraifah Asrah Mohamad (Asrah)

“Great Environmental , Friends and Teachers”, Thitawan Prasertdee (Kwangtung)

“Study with renowned teachers, good apportunity to study aboard , good research facilities , good researcher and friend”, Ms. Nattha Ingavat (Patt)

“I’d like to express my sincere gratitude toward CGI who gave me chance to study here. I impress MIT Teacher, who are my mentor, gave me both life and science. I impress MIT Teacher, the way they taught and all their kindness. I’m proud to be student here”, Ms. Jarinee Maneekul (Jah)

“CGI provided me with opportunity to meet with world-class scientists. Apparently, CGI is part of my academic success to achieve the goal of pursuing Ph.D. in the United States of America”, Mr. Suttipol Radomkit (Benz)

“Make me Smart ,Clever and Excellent. I feel warm when study here”, Ms. Jiraporn Khumsil (Numpung)

“Very good, the faculty and staff are knowledgeable friendly and helpful”, Mrs. Fathimath Hudha (Huda)

“Good Quality of Teaching & Research”, Mrs. Yayah Rodiana (Yaya)


Only for Thai Alumi

เพื่อโปรดทราบรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับการประชาสัมพันธ์เชิญชวนร่วมกิจกรรมที่จัดโดยหน่วยงานภายนอก 2 หน่วยงานได้แก่

1. การเผยแพร่ผลงานวิจัยใน Proceedings การประชุมวิชาการงานครบรอบ 40ปี มศว. swu_40th_anniversary.pdf

2. ข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์ ของ สกว. “รางวัล 2014 TRF-CHE-Scopus Researcher Awards” trf_award_2014.pdf


CGI would like to Invite to attend September seminar at CRI.

Title: “Virus like particle: A tool to understand the infection process of dengue virus”

Speaker: Charlermchai Artpradit, Ph.D.

Translational Research Unit, CRI

Date&Time: Friday, 27 September 2013 at 15.00 PM

Place: Room R117, 1st Floor, Chemistry Research Building

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